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The Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann

Scott Sargent

When the mythical Tuatha Dé Danann arrived in Ireland, they brought with them four magical artifacts. Each item was crafted in one of the four ancient cities of their homeland. They are mentioned in the earliest texts of Ireland but also play an important role in my first novel, Caleb McCallister and the Sword of Light.

"In Finias, to the east, the city of air. From the highest of mountains and metals so rare. King Nuada was given a sword of bright light. It can never be conquered once drawn into fight." Nuada was king when the Dé Danann arrived. It was said that his magic sword could not be stopped once it was drawn into a battle.

"From Falias to the north, the city of stone. Where the black raven does fly, and Hawthorn trees moan. From the deepest of quarries came the Stone of Fal. The destiny of the King, the stone, it shall call." The Lia Fáil, or Stone of Destiny, would cry out only when the rightful king of Ireland stood upon it. The standing stone was placed on the hill of Tara, where it still stands today—one of the many magical sights of Ireland.

"In Gorias, to the south, the city of fire. Where tales of magic are told and sung by a choir. In Gorias was crafted a magical spear, Lugh’s Spear of Fire ignites Fomorian fear." The third treasure was Lugh's spear, which never missed its target and always returned to its owner. The magic of the spear enabled Lugh to kill Balor of the Evil Eye, and allowed the Tuatha De Danann to ultimately defeat the Fomorians for control over Ireland.

"From Murias to the west, city of the sea, Descendants of Atlantis and narwhales swim free. The rich Cauldron of Plenty that satisfies all Was bequeathed to the Dogda at the harvest ball." Dagda's cauldron provided food and drink for everyone in his company. No one was left hungry or thirsty, regardless of how many people were on hand.

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