If you are looking for Middle-Grade fiction, The Adventurer’s Guild is a good one. It’s about two best friends who end up being “sorted” into the one Guild neither of them (or anyone else) wanted. Zed is a poor kid and half-elf from the wrong side of town who desperately wants to be a member of the Mages Guild. When he gets drafted by the Adventurers, Brock gives up his dream job with the Merchants Guild to stay with his friend.
The Adventurers Guild is tasked with protecting Freestone, one of the last remaining cities, after the outside world falls to evil and monsters known as The Dangers. For MG, it’s got great world-building, lots of action, and a unique cast of characters. I highly recommend it. If you know a middle-schooler who likes fantasy, action, and humor or just likes a great story, think about this book next time you need a gift. First of a three-part series.